Gerundio + Anahuac University
How to bring the same vision to the whole academic experience?
Unifying brands and narratives through strategy
- Research and Strategy
- Brand and Communications

After having previously collaborated with Anahuac University in a repositioning strategy for its undergraduate brand, the institution found the need to review the brands of its high school and graduate division with the intention of aligning the positioning and communication of its different business units.
We spoke with students from different academic levels. From the youngest, who were about to start their university career, to those who had decided to take the next step by enrolling in a postgraduate or continuing education course.
We understood the needs of students at different academic stages in order to develop differentiated strategic paths for each level, while maintaining a central concept that would serve as a guiding axis for the entire institution: positive action leadership.
Once these routes were defined, we collaborated with the different areas of the institution to create communication campaigns that would transmit this core concept, adapting them to the particularities of each business unit.
Thus were born the campaigns “#SeamosLíderes en Prepa Anáhuac,” aimed at attracting younger students and becoming part of a high school with a university focus, and “Trasciende con Posgrados Anáhuac,” designed to reach all those who were considering taking the next step in their academic and professional career.
In addition, we provided distinctive visual identities for each business unit, maintaining consistency with the elements of the institution, while incorporating specific elements that met the objectives of their respective campaigns.
In addition, we conducted a comprehensive review of the institution-wide portfolio of brands and entities, establishing guidelines to ensure that each contributed to a single, strong and consistent brand positioning.
Through this comprehensive branding approach, we helped Anahuac University achieve coherence in all its business units, respecting their essence and individuality, yet endowing them with the same conceptual axis inherent to the institution.
- Implementation of a differentiated communication under the same master concept.
- Establishment of a clear and coherent brand architecture throughout the portfolio.
- Creation of personalized and effective brand campaigns.
“The ability to identify what unites all the units and levels of Anahuac University, while distinguishing itself in its differences, was fundamental to consolidate a solid positioning in one of the most outstanding educational institutions in the country.”